If you have been aching for a Zac Efron signed basketball, the plaid shirt Ellen DeGeneres wore when
Chris Matthews appeared on her show and groped her, or the corduroy suit from the Barack Obama visit, then check out
What Ellen's Sellin' on eBay. So far, bids rage from $122.50 for the
Jennifer Lopez Halloween Outfit to $2000+ for the Zac Efron authgraphed basketball.
And here is the best part: Proceeds from the auction will benefit the Humane Society of the United States. Woo Hoo!
The navy
Comme de Garcons jacket was worn by Ellen in May 2008, when she announced her engagement to Portia de Rossi on the show. Later, one of Ellen’s favorite guests, Justin Timberlake, joined her. The current bid on the jacket is $213.59.
Click here to see the full description of the jacket and more photographs.
There are at least 26 items for sale in this auction and the variety ranges from the suit Ellen wore to the Elton John Oscar party to the shirt and sneakers worn during Tom Hanks' appearance on the show.
Auctions end April 21-22 at different times.

Ellen DeGeneres sells Jennifer Lopez clothes
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