Wednesday, January 28, 2009

J.Lo's Fan Story & Pic

Here is a story and picture from Jennifer Lopez fan JGriff who was lucky enough to meet the superstar and take a picture with her.

Click on Thumbnails to see larger image

Click on Thumbnails to see larger image

Story By JGriff

"Now this is kind of funny. I was in town for A Jennifer Lopez concert. I got the chance to see Marc and Jennifer prior to the concert. Normally J Lo is pretty tough to meet, so when her and Marc Anthony came out I started to ask J Lo if she could pose with me, and I could see she wasn't going to stop. So at this point Marc was walking in front of her. I quickly turned to Marc and asked him if he minded posing with me, in hopes of him getting Jennifer to stop as well. The plan worked Marc said yes and they both stopped. The thing is im not a fan of Marc Anthony and I have no intrest in having a photo with him, so I got in between the couple and politely asked Marc if I could pose with just Jennifer. He seemed to be upset, but he then moved out of the photo and J Lo posed with me."

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