When SELF editor-in-chief Lucy Danziger trained with Jennifer Lopez for their upcoming triathlon, Jennifer's natural athleticism shined. (But anyone who has seen her dance could probably have guessed she's a great athlete. Her moves take serious coordination and fitness skills.) That trait helps during a race, but the physical aspect is only part of the story. You also need mental prowess, and Jennifer's seems to be in as good a shape as her body.
"With all the different legs, I'm a little slow when I start, then I gradually pick up the pace. I start feeling good and as I'm thinking, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I get faster. Not fast like I'm going to break a record time, but like, OK, I'm stronger now. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.
"There's a hill at the end of my usual bike course. For about a mile, it's all uphill. The first time I saw it, I thought it didn't look too bad. But when you're on a bike, pedaling after seven miles, it's hard! What's most surprising to me, though, is how much the body can accomplish. Your mind just needs to tell your body it can; your body can take it. I'm always surprised at how much I can do."
We love her determination. A can-do attitude will help you reach your goals, whatever they may be. Jennifer's, aside from crossing the finish line: Raise as much money as she can for Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. If you can help, click the "donate" link below.
Keep checking back to read more about Jennifer's triathlon training progress and charity initiatives.
August 22, 2008
Please help Jen, and the women and children she is trying to help by donating money for Jen's triathlon run. All proceeds go to the CHLA mentioned above.
Please click image blow to donate, any amount helps.
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